Tuesday, January 29, 2013


First of all, Hello everybody.  I hope you are having a stupendous day.

First of all, lets clear this up before I explode.  The past couple of weeks I have been thinking a lot about the purpose of life.  I had some difficult things come up in my life and in the lives of friends.  Sometimes things happen and we don't know why and there is no answer good enough for us.  I think that is just part of life, as much as I don't love it.  It is what it is.  This kind of sums up how I feel regarding the whole "everything happens for a reason" theory:

The next time you say "Everything happens for a reason, don't be surprised if I punch you in the face.  It happened for a reason."


On to a much more pleasant topic of conversation...Painting.

As I have stated before, my goal this year is to try new things and make pretty things and all that jazz.  Here is the inspiration for my newest project:

Now, please keep in mind that I have only tried free hand painting once before this (and it did NOT turn out well).  Here is my version, which is not as pretty, but its a start:

So...what do you think?  I know its not perfect, but neither am I, so that is alright with me. 

Another creation I have made recently:

Well, there you have it.

Oh...and I am a master of cooking bacon now.  And I made some mini Reeses cup cookies today and they were delicious.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderous day!!!  



  1. Jana, you free hand painted that? Wow, it looks very similar to the one you posted. The other one was shiny, that's the only difference I noted. It looks really great. And I will always believe that HF has a reason for things that happen, even if we don't know why - he does.

  2. I love it! I couldn't paint that well to save my life! Life happens but God never gives us more than we can handle! :) Love your guts!

  3. I love both your projects!!! You should be proud of both!

  4. They both look fantastic!! Way to go! I LOVE the tree!

    1. Really?? I wanted to show it to you so bad so I'm glad I figured out this picture thing. I'm so glad you think it looks alright!

  5. Jana, first off, love the quote!!! lol. Second, I love your painting, its sooo good!! You should paint one for me!!! Well, babe I love & miss your guts!!

    1. Shana! I miss you! Thanks so much! I love you too!
